[Foodventure #1] Cafe Joie

Friday, June 26, 2015

Oh hi there summer! I'm glad you're finally here! Actually, that's a definite understatement, because we all know that every student was basically dragging their dehydrated selves through the desert to finish the last of our exams. And even though we're gonna be shipped back to that desert in september, the two months of freedom was well worth the wait!

I can already tell I'm going to be doing a lot of things this summer, a lot of it being little adventures around this grand city, so I thought I'd make a series on my blog to document it. The official, non-shortened form of series will be called Somewhere We Explore Amazing Things, but as you can tell from the title, it's abbreviated to form the acronym SWEAT, a word that is very close to my heart ;) EDIT: The series title has been changed to Foodventures for the time being, as I foresee the posts in this series consisting of 99.4% food related adventures HAHA.

The posts will mostly be composed of many cute photos (probably taken by the trusty phone camera) that I wanted to share, but of course I can't make a blog post without typing more than enough words.

Cafe Joie

Right after our last English exam this past Wednesday, and during our first moments of freedom, I joined my friends Eleanor and Christina to do some shopping at Metropolis at Metrotown. But before doing any shopping, we visited a Asian-owned French café called Café Joie (pronounced somewhere along the lines of jooah, but make it sound French), which is just across the street from the mall.

Tumblr-worthy is an adjective that many might use to describe the interior of the cafe (if you're young enough to know what Tumblr is), and their waffles are a real treat if you can bypass the rather eh price tag.

Their waffles, being one of their specialties, are priced at $10.99. But these ain't you're toaster waffles, these are most likely the waffles of your dreams, and it should be for a price like that.

We ordered a strawberry waffle and shared it between the three of us. I also ordered a strawberry and mango macaron, and Eleanor ordered a black sesame, and a green tea ($1.75 each.) To drink, I ordered a mango smoothie ($5.99), and Christina ordered a Mocha Frap ($4.99).

I don't really have the knack for food critiquing because to me it's either good or not good, but I'm going to say that the waffle was reeeeaaalllllyyyy good. The waffle itself was soft and fluffy, and the strawberry ice cream, strawberry and kiwi slices and whipped cream complimented it perfectly (Christina ate the macaron), and it was just the right amount of sweetness, but then again I have a sweet tooth.

The mango smoothie was obviously quenching and yummy (laughs at my attempt to use descriptive language) and the little bits of fiber from the core of the mango proves that it's made out of real mango. Can't say it was worth the price, but it was very filling.

All of us agreed that the filling of the macarons resembled slabs of butter a bit too much than it should. It felt like I was biting into butter, but luckily it didn't taste like it!

I would love to visit Café Joie again, but maybe not if I have to pay (hello parents, would you like to treat me?) Can't say I didn't go broke after the shopping/café trip just because I bought too many clothes, because my order did take a larger chuck from my budget than desired.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored.

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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