bucket list

Welcome to our bucket list page. Here we will build up our own list of things we would like to do in the duration our lives. Please do leave any suggestions below!

Blog post introducing my bucket list page.

How it works:

  • Below is our combined bucket list and it will constantly be added on to, whether we add something after we've done it already, or long before we get the chance to complete it.
  • If any description is needed, it will be written in Italics
  • Once something on our bucket list has been completed, an asterisk (*) will be placed along with link to a blog post on the experience.

In no particular order...
  1. Sky diving
  2. Ride a hot air balloon
  3. Fly an airplane
  4. Go scuba diving
  5. Travel with friends
  6. Study abroad
  7. Have a traditional tea party With fancy dresses and your pinkies held high.
  8. Go around downtown with a white onesie that says "Life" on it and hand out lemons to people
  9. Write a novel or book
  10. Sell my art projects to a stranger
  11. Take a road trip with no set destination
  12. Go on a European tour or backpack through Europe
  13. Go on a mission trip Travelling to a new location where those selected will volunteer their efforts in completing a helpful community project.
  14. *Make a YouTube channel
  15. Do the 'Tin Can Challenge'
  16. Interview a celebrity
  17. Go to a red carpet event
  18. Visit: England, Paris, New York, Hawaii, Rome, Australia
  19. Do a presentation on a topic I care about in front of a crowd
  20. Paint a mural or public poster
  21. Have dinner with a homeless or hungry person
  22. Set a world record
  23. Come up with a recipe that actually tastes good
  24. Be sleepless for 24 hours
  25. Gamble at a Las Vegas casino
  26. Celebrate New Years Eve at Time Square
  27. *Go zip lining
  28. *Do the Grouse Grind (hike up Grouse Mountain)
  29. Ride a helicopter
  30. Fill up a journal
  31. Bungee jump
  32. Go camping for a week Sleeping in tents with no legit bathroom
  33. Try an exotic delicacy 
  34. Go white water rafting
  35. Mountain bike
  36. Join the circus well, at least learn how to do circus tricks
  37. Work in the creation part of a film or big production create a set design, come up ideas for a script, assist with costume and makeup, etc.
  38. Experience the Northern Lights
  39. Try bobsledding
  40. *Hike Up Garibaldi Provincial Park
  41. Have this blog featured somewhere article, newspaper, anywhere. That'd be cool.

More bucket list points to come.

All ideas, pictures, written work and opinions are all original contents of this blog unless specified and/or credited. Please let me know if you will be using any original content from this blog, and do let me know if I've published something that is yours. I'm just a normal gals and don't want to cause any havoc or complications, so if you have any questions or concerns please email me: millievalencia@gmail.com