[Foodventure #6] Cartems Donuterie & La Taqueria Pinche Taco Shop

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Here's a two-in-one foodventure for you today to showcases two of tumblr's most loved foods (aside from pizza of course): donuts and tacos.

Cartems Donuterie

It's no secret I'm a donut lover, and so I became very excited when Julian agreed to go with me to Cartems last Wednesday. We entered in with ambitious and adventurous appetites (#accidentalalliteration) and spent eighteen freaking dollars on half a dozen donuts to share so we can try as many of their specialty flavours as we can. Clearly you know what our priorities are when it comes to spending money. omg

The interior of the café has a unique feel of 50s diner donut display and bright red x clean and modern white with simple green plants x rustic brick walls and dark wooden tables ya feel? It's quite small for an eat-in café but the lack of tables and abundance of to-go boxes (and I assume lack of plates, since our order was automatically put in a box though we ate in) leads me to believe they have a lot of take-out orders.

After pondering on the almost endless choices of specialty donuts we ended up ordering earl grey, whiskey bacon, maple walnut, honey parmesan, cinnamon sugar (reminded me of the classic mini donuts), and London fog.

All were amazingly delicious, and what Julian and I enjoyed the most was the dense and cake-like consistency of the donuts itself. We were expecting the usual airy donuts, but instead we got a filling meal. It was so heavy and filling, I couldn't even finish half before I let Julian take the box, and even then both of us were full and practically sick of donuts. We lugged it around with us the entire day, taking bites from it once in awhile, but I was stuffed and sick of donuts. Lesson learned here is to not get half a dozen donuts to share between two people.

A review of each donut from what I can remember:

  • Earl Grey - One of my favourites! I enjoy an earl grey whenever I have a sore throat, but since I don't drink it too often I couldn't tell if it tasted exactly like the tea. However, I'm one who likes to stick to the boring flavours, and I think this one is an adventurous step higher from the yummy basic.
  • Whisky Bacon - Being a vegetarian, I only took a few bites without the bacon. I didn't remember it tasting super fantastic, but it was missing half the flavour, and Julian assures me it's an important one. This donut was his favourite and he saved it for last. An important note is the smell of this donut, not sure what whisky smells like, but this donut's smell is strong.
  • Maple Walnut - My least favourite of the bunch, since the nutty taste wasn't exactly my first choice. I don't remember tasting much of the sweetness of the maple, but then again I didn't take that many bites.
  • Honey Parmesan - A strange choice of mine, but it surprisingly works! The parmesan flavour was a bit strong, but it gave a good sweet and salty flavour. Again, I like the boring flavours, but this is a good one if you're up for it.
  • Cinnamon Sugar - The only donut that I finished whole, since it was the most basic of the bunch and Julian wanted to save his appetite for the others. I love how it's crunchy on the outside from the crystalized sugar, but soft on the inside. One complaint is it was a tad burnt and you could taste it slightly.
  • London Fog - Didn't get a chance to try this one too much, but the inside is a light and fluffy cream filling. Don't think I was a big fan of the cream in this one, though I was in a donut coma and couldn't really remember by that point.
All in all, really good donuts and worth a visit if you love donuts as much as I do, but maybe don't underestimate the heaviness of the donuts so you won't over-order!

Cartems Donuterie's website and Zomato page.

La Taqueria

Annica joined us a few hours later to get what was initially free burgers for a grand opening of a restaurant. But sadly they had to close early because they've already given out 2000 free burgers, fries and drinks. So we resorted to our second option of tacos.

The restaurant was tiny but packed with people so I didn't get a chance to take that many interior photos. It's a very minimal looking place with the right splashes of colours, as well as a simple ethnic touch to the decoration.

We ordered one meat taco combo, which is four meat tacos of your choice, for $8, and one veggie taco combo (four veggie tacos) for $7. Annica ended up paying for one meat taco and two veggie tacos, while I paid for the rest of the veggies and Julian paid for the rest of the meats.

Since I was recovering from my donut experience, I was kind of tired of eating even though I wanted to eat. That being said, I haphazardly ordered one of each of the four vegetarian options: Tinga de Hongo, De Picadillio, Frigoles Charros Con Queso, and Raja Con Crema without really knowing what any of them are.

Annica took the Tinga de Hongo and the Raja Con Crema, though I took a bite of her Raja Con Crema and it was the best one I tried. I wish I ordered two more of those.

The Frigoles Charros Con Queso was a tolerable choice, since I do enjoy myself some refried beans. Once again, I was in a really off mood when it came to trying food and felt kind of sick after eating the donuts, so this taco was a great taste changer. There was a flavour that tasted really off, but nonetheless I finished it.

But the De Picadillio was the one that I really did not enjoy. It was sweet, and there were flavours in there that I didn't find appetizing. It's hard to read in the menu but I think it had a sauce that wasn't really my cup of tea. Julian ended up finishing this one for me.

Overall, it was my fault for ordering random things when I'm a really picky eater.

La Taqueria's website and Zomato page.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored.

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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