Being Awkward and What to do About It

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Sometimes the path can seem a bit lonely. That's okay. Keep walking anyway." -Katrina Mayer

I am naturally an awkward person. I hate meeting new people in fear of making them feel uncomfortable when I can't find ways to carry on a conversation with them. I'm known to be on the sidelines and is hardly ever acknowledged by people I'm not close to. While seated quietly alone in the back corner of the room during free time in class, I began to write down my perspective on making new friends as a person who is always too shy to even say hello. This is what I came up with, and I put it in small chunks for all you lazy people out there ;)


Being an awkward and a seemingly quiet person was something I didn't like about myself. But I realize that since I am the way I am, I wouldn't be able to "click" with people I have nothing in common with, no matter how hard I try. 

I've learned to accept that it's impossible to become close to everyone you meet, and those who you do become close to, are truly like you. 

There are people out there just like you, who will fall into place as your new friend without you realizing it. As shy as you are, once you meet someone with the same interests, you have some conversation topics to talk about. 

Then you will start to sense the true essence of this new person; the way they carry themselves, their type of comedy, and their overall underlying being. Their true essence is what I use to determine whether I think this person will compliment my own personality and way of life, but at this point, the conversation starts to flow in by itself. If you enjoyed being with that person, chances are they like talking to you as much as you did.
I don't try to act differently, because often I find the relationship doesn't end up growing anyways and I feel just as awkward as before. I always like to go with the flow of things, and not force myself to do anything unnecessary.  Realize that even having your first conversation might not even happen for the longest time after meeting, but it will happen eventually, and on its own. 

If the friendship was meant to bloom, it will on its own time, so don't rush anything.


I try my best not to stress over wanting more friends and wanting to be "popular" because though only a handful, I still do have great friends. I know that there are times where I wish I can go up to acquaintances and have an enjoyable conversation, but not everyone can be social butterflies, and I happen not to be one. It is the quality of friends and not the quantity, and everyone has their own unique set of strength and weaknesses that will eventually mould you to the person you are created to be.

Never fret, awkward ones, you have a purpose for being awkward. This awkward time during free class time sparked an idea for a blog post after being in a writers block!

If anything, just remember to go with the flow of things. If it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. Accept your awkwardness, and be by yourself if you have to. Everything has a reason.

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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