Oops, Sorry

Monday, August 04, 2014

Woah there, what is this I am writing? A newspaper article? A dystopian YA novel? The instructions to build an aircraft? Whatever it is, it surely isn't a blog post because, psh, that was sooooo seven months agooooo.

Well hello/hey/bonjour random readers! How y'all doing? Why am I doing such a foreign act you ask? Why did I stop in the first place? Well, enough small talk let's get on with the dirty business....

Since choosing to let go of the whole blogging mumbo jumbo several months ago, I've always had this hollow void in my heart. And by heart, I mean the website field on any social media bio. Yes, I'm being legit.

When I stopped taking interest in blogging, I took down all my links that lead to this blog as I no longer updated it and therefore, had no new content to share. Since then, I've tried so very hard to find different website link that can fill in this void (twitter, Instagram, tumblr, etc.) but nothing felt quite right.

Y'all are probably thinking "OH MY GOSH ITS A FREAKING WEBSITE LINK IN A BIO GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!!" and yes I would agree with you, but it's 1:37am and this is the first thing I thought to write so I'm gonna go with it.

My blog is something I created, and it has a part of me that many do not get to see. I wanted this blog to reflect who I really am with the content, writing style, appearance; everything. The reason why I stopped writing on this blog was because I got a little too pressured to write. The voices in my head that spoke as I was writing were people that I inspired to be. Being inspired is good, but I felt like I was slowly losing my individuality with every blog post I thought of writing, but could never bring myself to write. I don't want to be a try hard clone of what's already existing, I want to be myself, and back then I felt like I couldn't do that for some reason.

I think I'm gonna give it another whirl and try writing again, but it's really hard to express the thoughts that live in my brain, and it's even harder when you have to make sure it's grammatically correct. My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellation. Gotta love it when overused metaphors actually help to explain something you said. I'm not sure how my future blog posts will be, and I don't know if I'll continue with the whole "grammar" thing, but what I do know is I want this blog to be just as crazy as I am.

So basically: Sorry for being M.I.A., but I'm not sorry if you think I'm weird :)
And sorry for spelling/grammar errors. It's 2:05am. Let me be.

(And sorry [but not sorry] if my next post is in, like, seven months lol.)

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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All ideas, pictures, written work and opinions are all original contents of this blog unless specified and/or credited. Please let me know if you will be using any original content from this blog, and do let me know if I've published something that is yours. I'm just a normal gals and don't want to cause any havoc or complications, so if you have any questions or concerns please email me: millievalencia@gmail.com