Introduction and Funny Nicknames

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hello blogging world! I'm not quite sure how to go about my first blog post, so I'll make this quick! A few quick facts about me:

  • I'm right brained, so I suck at grammar and all that crap
  • I'm not old and wise (or anywhere near being middle aged) which means I have a lot of learning and experiencing to do
  • I have no idea why I just created a blog, but I guess it will be fun sharing my thoughts with people (when in fact, I'm probably the only active reader hehe)
  • maple syrup, eh?
Also, my name is Millie, but in my attempt to be 'cool' and 'professional', I've done my best to think of a quirky alias. While researching non-stop as to what I would like my blogging nickname to be, I've come up with "Penny-Bee" which is now the name for my blog! The name "Penny" is sometimes used as a nickname for my full name (Millicent), coming from the 'cent' in the name. I thought that was cute, and since I love doing DIYs and finding inexpensive alternates for things (for say, just a 'penny' ;), it worked perfectly for my blog name! Also, a variation of Millicent is 'Melisande' and it is old french. Melisande is the French form of 'Melissa' which means 'bee; honey', hence the second half of my alias. Wowzers that is quite a stretch, but hey, if you want a nice nickname, you gotta do what you gotta do!

So that is the end of this blog post, my very first post. Hopefully I won't regret this in a few years, or even a few weeks.... ahaha

thanks for reading!
x penny-bee

UPDATE: Upon realizing that "penny bee" is actually a computer virus, I've altered the blog name a bit, and the reasoning for it is muuuuuch simpler.

As said above, a variation of Millicent is Melisande, which is old french. Melisande is the French form of 'Melissa' which means 'bee; honey'. The Old French Bee. Much more self explanitory.

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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