An Introduction To The New Admin

Monday, September 08, 2014

Hello wonderful people! It's Annica, the new administrator of this blog. Huzzah, it's my first blog post! However, with that being said, I have absolutely no clue what I want to write.

Alrighty. Here it goes.

As the rubberband that is life stretches on and on, I have yet to find who I truly am. Nevertheless, here are a few things that I definitely know about myself:

  1. I love books. I'll read anything–from the world of magic to futuristic dystopian worlds to action/adventure to hopeless romance. Only recently have I realized my adoration for a great book; I've probably read more books this summer than I have in the past few years. It takes me back to when I was younger; never putting a book down, even while walking to places or sitting at the dinner table. I have yet to read the classics.
  2. Some pet peeves include: when tall people wear heels, when automatic toilets flush while you're still sitting on them, bad grammar/punctuation, when someone thinks they're really good at something when they're the worst person in the room (there's a fine line between self-indulgence and confidence), and when people say prayers way too quickly, as if playing video-games was more important than thanking God for their oh-so-precious life.
  3. High-school devoured any of the few social skills I acquired while living the Elementary-life, leaving me as only a shard of what I used to be; as if the peas in my pod were my interactive-abilities, and they were simply plucked out of me, and the only thing left was the drying, shrivelling husk. So yeah, I'm a tad awkward. And indecisive.
  4. Some hobbies include: writing useless stories, indulging myself in (fan)fiction, watching Avatar: The Last Airbender or Once Upon a Time, and spending most of my ample free time telling myself I should be productive while spending hours on social media.
  5. I'm a child of God. This is kinda self-explanatory.
Lastly, I just read an article on ambiverts, and I have concretely decided that I am one. If you feel like spending more time getting to know me indirectly, read this article about how my brain basically works.

The end! This is the amount of information that I don't mind sharing to the endless world-wide-web. I guess this is the end of my blog post. I shall stop babbling now.

Thanks for letting me consume a fraction of your life. <3

Post By A. Marie

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