The Renovation

Saturday, September 20, 2014

You've probably noticed that we've done some new changed with the blog this past month. I rekindled my love for an old project and decided to change up some stuff. I loved experimenting, writing, researching and brainstorming new ideas for the blog, and the renovation has become a new project in itself! So many things have been happening lately, so I thought I'd make a blog post just talking through all the new and improved things that's goin' on around this shindig.

Les goooh!

We changed our blog name and URL!

After all the changes, I really started getting into this whole blogging thing. I check my blog and work on it on a daily basis, I always think of new content to write, and I started taking this stuff seriously. Getting Annica to hop on board made it even more "official" for me, and shortly after Annica agreed to become an admin, I opened up the idea to change the blog name. Everything is changing, so I wanted the name to change too! We brainstormed for weeks on the perfect blog name. Something simple, but meaningful. Eye catching and clever, but on topic with our blog content. Sounds really nice, and something that I won't get sick of in 2 months. I'm really picky about these things, because it's the first thing that someone will see and it can impact a person's impression.

We finally agreed on "Classica and Lillie" which is basically two products of word salad: Classic + Annica = Classica; Life + Millie = Lillie. Living a classic life is being yourself. Be timeless and focus on your true inner self, rather than the stuff on the outside. Your inner personality and character is what will stay the same throughout your entire life, while the outside characteristics and bling-bling will always change through the seasons.  Be something that the world has never seen: yourself! You are the only you that will ever exist on Earth. Be someone memorable and worth remembering, instead of someone that we've seen already.

We have a new template and theme!

I really like the look of simple, minimal colour templates, I think it gives a really professional and crisp look and vibe to a website. I ventured off into the world of "Free Blogger Templates" via Google Search and found this free template by ThemeXpose. I really enjoyed customizing this theme, and experimenting with the HTML codes and whatnot. Honestly had little to no knowledge on anything HTML, but I learned quite a few things in the process of working on the blog. There's still a few things that we're still trying to figure out, but it's been quite the ordeal.

We've added a new and improved navigation bar, as well as our sidebar, which includes some new features including blog archive, recent posts, and the "Hello!" about us section! We also added some stuff to the footer of the blog, so don't forget to check that out!

We have a new administrator!

Sucha natural model isn't she? So photogenic. My best friend has always been by my side every baby step that I've ever made with this blog. She'd always be the one I would consult with almost everything blog-related. I even ask her to proof-read my posts when I first publish them because I suck at grammar. Once I thought about it, there was no debating about whether or not I wanted to ask her to help me out officially on my blog. Thankfully she said yes!!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Annica, Classica & Lillie's new admin! Read her introduction post here!

We've updated our "about" section!

Of course with Annica joining the blog, we had to make it from an "about me" section, to "about us". I wrote a lot about our history as friends, a short history on this blog, and some things that we enjoy! Don't think I need not say more, but do give it a read to know a bit more about the gals behind the blog. Or if you wanna stalk I mean that's why I would read it...

We made a posting schedule!

Ahh yes, with commitment comes a schedule! You might have already seen a few of them, but we will now be publishing a new blog post at least once a week!

The schedule is as followed...

Week One: Fetus Friday
A tribute to the hashtag #FlashbackFriday, where we share some of our nostalgic moments.
Week Two: Tips For Tuesday
Life hacks, tips and tricks so you can rule at life.
Week Three: Top Five Thursday
We list and review our top fives under a specific category.
Week Four: Weird Word Wednesday
A short post filled with definitions of words you might've never known could ever exist. Until now.
Week Five: Make-It Monday
Get your creativity hat out for these how-to DIY projects, recipes, etc.

The rotation will be continuous, with random posts here and there on other topics. We're also gonna do a Sunday Funday on the last Sunday of each month to talk about our monthly favourites!

The blog is developing very well; it's a healthy baby, ain't it?

If ya like our blog, we'd appreciate it if you subscribed by clicking the blue "Join This Site" on the sidebar! Honestly it won't even send you emails or anything, but we all know the amount of followers affects first impressions! Subscribe with any Google account <3

Post By M. Anne

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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All ideas, pictures, written work and opinions are all original contents of this blog unless specified and/or credited. Please let me know if you will be using any original content from this blog, and do let me know if I've published something that is yours. I'm just a normal gals and don't want to cause any havoc or complications, so if you have any questions or concerns please email me: