[Tips for Tuesday] Surviving School

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hello marvellous homosapians!

Since school has started, I just wanted to share some of my limited-wisdom on how to be successful this school-year, plus some tips on how to manage stress. (: You're all awesome <3

Just Some Stuff That Will Hopefully Help You Survive School

1. Sleep!

It's better to study before and after a good night's rest than to stay up all night reviewing. When you're asleep, that is when the brain processes everything that has happened the day before, allowing you to remember them more easily in the morning. Teenagers need at least 9 hours of sleep every night. Besides, who DOESN'T like sleep?

2. Eat breakfast!
I know so many people that skip breakfast in the morning before they go to work or to school. Some say that it's a great weight-loss strategy. However, missing breakfast actually causes you to gain weight, because you end up eating more at one time later in the day due to your hunger. Also, eating a large, healthy breakfast will give you lots of energy to seize the day. Try eating a breakfast with lots of fibre and protein, and try staying away from sugary foods. Fibre and protein provides you with long-lasting energy, while sugar gives you short bursts of energy that quickly die out.

3. Drink lots of water.
(This is starting to sound like a health article; oops) Have you ever felt really tired in the morning, even if you had a decent amount of hours the night before? Drink some water! Grogginess and headaches are sometimes caused by lack of water, so drink a glass or two to wake up your body in the morning. Water also decreases stress levels. Studies have shown that you feel better 8-10 minutes after drinking water. Plus, we need to stay hydrated, right?

4. Scribble down a note or two.
(Okay. Were finally onto actual school stuff.) Write things down! You'll remember things more easily when you write them down. One of my teachers once told me that when you write something down, it's as if you're inscribing in in your own brain. One of my friends (incidentally she's the top academic student in our grade) often writes and re-writes her notes until she can almost recite them by heart. So when your instructor tells your to take notes, take them!

5. Relax a little.
You need to give your brain some time to really soak up the information you just received. The most effective way to let your brain improve is to take breaks. Like, for example, when you work out, you have to rest, right? You can't keep on running or lifting or pushing forever. Your body is physically incapable of it. You have to take short breaks to catch your breath, then continue with regained strength. The same thing goes for your brain. You'll be able to study longer and more efficiently with staggered breaks in between your review time. Do you think the best musicians practice for 6 hours a day straight? Of course not! Spread out your study time. (But make sure your break-time doesn't add up more than your study-time!)

Note: Like I said earlier, your brain remembers things more after a good night's rest. Don't study just one subject per day; try studying a few subjects for 1-2 hours a day, daily over the course of the week. You don't want to study just one subject per day and then leave it for the rest of the week, because it's likely you won't remember what you learned. The brain is a muscle, and like all muscles, must be trained often in order to gain muscle memory.

6. Be organized!
I guarantee you will be less stressed out when you can find the things you need really easily. When you have papers and pencils and other school supplies cluttered in your locker or your desk or your school bag, your brain will have one more thing to worry about than just your overdue science project. Keep your things together! You'll be more efficient with your work when you aren't screaming at your brother for taking your glue-stick. Additionally, when you aren't in a bad mood, your work tends to be more neat and presentable.

7. Manage Your Time
"What a slut time is. She screws everybody." -Peter Van Houten; The Fault in Our Stars
Well said, Van Houten, well said.
This is pretty much self-explanatory. Procrastination just puts even more stress onto yourself, and most of the time, the end product will not be your best work. Plan out your day, and stick to them. What time are you going to wake up? How much math homework will you do today? How many episodes of your favourite TV show will you watch on Netflix? These are questions you must ask yourself. You have to schedule your time and make sure you have time for everything. Prioritize, but don't forget that you also need time for things like spending time with your friends and family. What are you going to do today?

8. Smile!

Last but not least, don't forget to have fun! I know school can be super stressful and annoying, but it is a right we sometimes take for granted. Education is very important, so we have to cherish the moments we have in school and make sure we get the best out of it. Smiling not only makes you feel better even when you're dying inside; it also shows other people that school is something we need to appreciate. Smile at someone today, and tell them that they should be smiling too. There are a lot of things we should be happy about in this world; we just have to notice them.

Thanks for reading! I hope everyone has a great day.

Post By A. Marie

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