[Fetus Friday] My Fetus Blogs

Friday, September 12, 2014

If you're like me, you much rather have a wall of old childhood photos that you never remembered ever being taken, than a wall of great quality photos that you took from a few months ago.  I love looking through old photo albums, hanging up drawings that I made in Kindergarten, reading stories from second grade, etc. etc. Drowning myself in fetus-ness is one of my favourite pastimes.

On Monday I was going through the excessive amounts of email addresses that I owned (I make new email addresses often. It's really random, but weirdly enough, my dad does it too. We have our reasons, but you can call it genetics I guess.) More specifically, I was trying to sort out an old Google Account that was connected to a YouTube channel with home videos of me and Annica's friends (aka, Random Stuff To Do When You're Bored, read more about it in our about page.) Not knowing I was still logged on to this old Google Account, I went to Blogger (originally to work on this blog) and unexpectedly found a blog that I created back in 2011. 

It's a pretty basic blog, with only one entry written. But nonetheless, here it is: purplepolk-a-dot.blogspot.ca

"Hot blog name." 
I know right.

I was pretty, let's say, unsophisticated at the time the blog was made, and I bet you I didn't even know anything about a blog other than that you write stuff in it. But I will definitely say that though I have grown up since 2011 and my style and way of thinking has changed, my thoughts on blog writing is, like, on point with the blog post, it's not even funny. I don't even need to follow up and expand on anything because that post is point-blank everything that needs to be said: Why should I have a blog? Well, not? How should I write on this blog? Write like myself. When should I write? Whenever I want. And most importantly: what should I write about on this blog? Anything. EVERYTHING!

And there you go, I have a blog ;)

Good job 2011 Millie, you're always one step ahead.

After finding 'Purple Polk-A-Dot' I immediately commenced my search for more of my fetus blogs and websites, as I've always loved making websites because of my dad's love of making one too. I was able to find a few good ones (sadly I couldn't find all of them), and I've mustered up a few of them for you lot to see:

musicmania3000.webs.com - A music related website with Disney Channel music videos, piano chords and an article on "How To Start A Band" (2009-2010)

chatta-box.webs.com - A "social media" knock-off of Facebook where you can chat with friends, create posts, play games, and post and watch YouTube videos. Fun Fact: I actually chatted with my friends on this website for a surprisingly amount of time, and we reached a total of 10 members before everyone got bored and left ouch (2010)

knititandweave.wordpress.com - A blog that discusses all string-related art. I only published two posts though, one of them which teaches you how to knit! (2010)

Ahh, the nostalgia was strong in this post, wasn't it? I might make the #FlashbackFriday posts regular, but I reckon I should change it to #FetusFriday because I love the word fetus.

Post By M. Anne

Nostalgic Post Pun-Comic Thing!


1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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All ideas, pictures, written work and opinions are all original contents of this blog unless specified and/or credited. Please let me know if you will be using any original content from this blog, and do let me know if I've published something that is yours. I'm just a normal gals and don't want to cause any havoc or complications, so if you have any questions or concerns please email me: millievalencia@gmail.com