Crazy Statement Hair

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Early this past Monday morning, when the happiness of school had yet to begin, my dearest friend named Arden (who I know is reading this) decided to create a leash out of my hair, as apparently, I was her dog now. She made five braids out of half of my hair, coming out the left side of my head, and tied them together to complete my leash. Taking it another step further (and now forgetting she was creating a leash) she messily tied all braids together with the rest of my hair, creating a side-ponytail just above my right ear, and turned it into a messy bun. A really messy bun, with braid loops on the opposite side of my head.

You may be wondering what exactly does that have to do with anything in life and perhaps if there is an exact point of the story. Well, there is. I ended up being dared to keep my hair that way for first period. I got stares from teachers and students alike, and many, many questions as to why my hair was like that. 

Later on during my first class did I realize that I really shouldn't have to care whether my hair looks 'nice' and 'normal' to other people.
I couldn't help but wonder why can't hair like this exist without so much judging glares and curious questions. Why should people and trends tell me how 'normal' hair should be?

I kept my hair that way until lunch time, which is about 2/3 with my hair that crazy. But instead of telling people it was because of a dare, I told people I'm making a statement about not conforming to society.

Hair #2/4: Bun Head.

The next few days, Arden helped me once again to create 'different' hair-dos, and I wore it for at least half the day. (My only reason for taking it off before the day ended was because the ends hair would often stick out and annoyingly poke my neck.) I realized I became so much more confidant and outspoken than I was before, and if you've read my post on being awkward ( you'd see how much I needed this small boost. I guess if anyone was going to judge me by what I say and do, they would've already judged my by my hair. And I don't care if I get judged, because I'm just being me, take it or leave it! My personality is way weirder than my statement hair, and if you judge me and shun me, well it's your loss.

Hair #3/4: Braid down, Braid up.

If you feel spontaneous or especially angry at society's ways to twist the meaning of beautiful, create your own "Crazy Statement Hair". Like the title says, it's a statement, a sign, an expression that you will NOT become what society wants you to be, and everyone will notice your effort to be different and not like everyone else.

1. mother of C&L, and Peri the guinea pig
2. an art and makeup junkie with way too many things
3. a self-proclaimed donut lover

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